Common Core State Standards: Advantages of the New Assessments
California Schools Magazine
March 2015
A look at how the new assessments are better preparing youth for the world ahead.
How to Successfully Invest in and Engage Staff
California Schools Magazine
October 2014
Discusses the primary issues facing school human resources departments in the coming years.
San Diego COE Regional Technology Program Saves Money, Expands Access in Smaller Districts
California Schools Magazine
October 2014
Reviews a cost-saving and innovation program that levels the playing field for smaller districts in San Diego County.
Filmore USD Schoolyard Habitat/River Restoration Projects: Win for At-Risk Students and the Environment
California Schools Magazine
October 2014
Article covering the environmental restoration program and projects in Filmore that are increasing access to science and the natural world while improving local habitat.
LA County Program puts Female Juvenile Justice Students on the Road to Success
California Schools Magazine
July 2014
Article describing the LA County Office of Education's Juvenile Justice program that has been improving outcomes for troubled young women.
Making Time to Teach: In Clovis, API and Behavior Improve with Sustainable Program
California Schools Magazine
July 2014
Article highlighting the success of the Time to Teach Program that was implemented in middle schools in the Clovis Unified School District.
Enriching the Lives of Students in Poverty
California Schools Magazine
April 2014
Explores the impact of poverty on students and the effective mindset and strategies for ensuring students are successful despite the every day challenges they face.
Democracy in Action: A Healthy Exchange of News and Information Engages Schools and Communities
California School Boards Association CA Schools Magazine
October 2013
Engaging the public in school decisions is simply good policy, whether a governance team is building support for a bond issue or parcel tax, considering school closures, or simply keeping the community informed. The need only increases in the transition to California’s new Local Control Funding Formula and Common Core State Standards and assessments.
Your ‘Oxygen Mask’ in Turbulent Times
National School Public Relations Association -The NSPRA Network
May 2012
While we can’t change or control the crisis at our door, we can increase our durability by remembering to take care of ourselves. Like putting on that oxygen mask before helping everyone else, we’re available to do our best work for students when we have taken steps to preserve our mental and physical health, and to find support and advice.
Communicating Your Side of the Budget Story
National School Public Relations Association -The NSPRA Network
May 2011
Yes, these are challenging times, but they are also an opportunity. It can be difficult in the midst of communicating cuts, layoffs, school consolidations, and budget deficits to remember that there is also a positive with every painful decision.
A Midyear Report on Twin Rivers Unified
American School Board Journal
January 2009
“The Road to Unity: A Midyear Report” is the latest in a series of stories that examine the first year of a school district’s consolidation. Starting in September 2008 and running through June 2009, ASBJ and the National School Boards Association’s National Affiliate program are collaborating online and in print to study consolidation and its impact on a newly merged district.
The Power of Successful Web-Based Social Marketing: Strategic Use of Technology for Social Change Organizations
Social Marketing Quarterly
September 2000
Powerful examples of how non-profit causes are harnessing the latest corporate marketing techniques to promote social change.
Shopping for Family
Journal of Qualitative Inquiry
October 1998
Ethnographic study of the challenges facing low income women.